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PianoMagic AMKE (Civil Non-Profit Company) presents:
The ”14th International Summer Piano Academy & Festival  'Anastasios Leimonis' -Poros 2025“, which will take place οn the Greek Island of Poros in the month of August and is open to candidates of all nationalities and ages.


The International event will take place in order to give to the young talented students of the Academy an opportunity to display their charisma and share their Art with the public.


Both, the Academy and the Festival, have the purpose to broaden the horizons of the young pianists, enriching their knowledge and experience, taking lessons from different world famous Professors and sharing the beauty of Music with the others on this magnificent Island of the Mediterranean.

        Welcome Letters:

Founder’s Welcome Letter from the Founder & Artistic Director of the 14th International Summer Piano Academy and Festival 'Anastasios Leimonis'- Poros 2025 
Agathe Leimoni


There is nothing as fascinating as communicating with people around this planet in a universal language, the language of Music.

I welcome all the candidates to this friendly and magnificent island of the Mediterranean, where we meet in order to share the magic of Art.

The word Music is purely Greek and derives from the word Muse. With this term, the Ancient Greeks meant every intellectual activity of humans that was placed under the protection of the Muses. The greatness of the importance that the Greeks attached to music is also asserted by Ailianos, a Platonic philosopher, in his ‘Varied History’ (Z΄6).The punishment for those who rose to revolution was to forbid their children from learning music, because it was believed that “of all punishments, the harshest one is to live without music”. In his work ‘Republic’, Plato says: “Gymnastics exist for the body and music exists for the soul”.

To all of you who are going to participate in the “14th International Summer Piano Academy & Festival 'Anastasios Leimonis' -Poros 2025”,  I wish you to enjoy this unique experience. This year again the Academy is offering the exceptional opportunity to its students to perform with Orchestra, which is a real dream for every young soloist. I am very happy  that this international cultural event, has been established as an institution on the magical Island of Poros.

Agathe Leimoni
Welcome Letter from the Mayor of Poros 


Our Distinguished guests,

Dear music lovers and friends of Poros


The island of Poros has the pleasure and honor to host the ''14th International Piano Academy and Festival 'Anastasios Leimonis' – Poros 2025''. This is a very important international musical event that has been associated for many years with the Municipality’s cultural events program, which strongly supported in every way this year by the Municipal Authority.


The island’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage constitute an attractive environment for artists who will attend the Academy’s seminars as well as for the spectators of the performances. Those who shall embrace the event will have the opportunity to watch young and talented students from around the world from the 18th till the 28th of August. The Festival includes also unique performances, concerts for 1,2 and 3 pianos with Orchestra and the established recital in the archaeological site of the Temple of Poseidon.


I wholeheartedly wish to the instructors, students, visitors and spectators to enjoy the Festival and experience the unique blend of emotions composed by the sound of the piano and the natural landscape for those days.

Ioannis Dimitriadis


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